Tuesday, July 28, 2009


(By the way, the date says the 28th...but it was totally after midnight, making it the 29th...BOOYAH)

Yeah, I know it's been well over a month since I've posted a song. BIRTHDAY. GET OVER IT.

So, in honor of my birthday, the song of the day is:

by Pink Floyd

"Money, get away.
Get a good job with good pay and youre okay.
Money, its a gas.
Grab that cash with both hands and make a stash.
New car, caviar, four star daydream,
Think I'll buy me a football team.
Money, get back.
I'm all right jack keep your hands off of my stack.
Money, its a hit.
Don't give me that do goody good bullshit.
I'm in the high-fidelity first class traveling set
And I think I need a lear jet.
Money, its a crime.
Share it fairly but don't take a slice of my pie.
Money, so they say
Is the root of all evil today.
But if you ask for a raise its no surprise that theyre
Giving none away.
Huhuh! I was in the right!
Yes, absolutely in the right!
I certainly was in the right!
You was definitely in the right.
That geezer was cruising for a bruising!
Why does anyone do anything?
I don't know, I was really drunk at the time!
I was just telling him, he couldn't get into number 2. He was asking
Why he wasn't coming up on freely, after I was yelling and
Screaming and telling him why he wasn't coming up on freely.
It came as a heavy blow, but we sorted the matter out"

Now, one might ask "Why on Earth 'Money' because it's your birthday?"...First of all...


Second off, this song was playing while I was born. Yes at the very moment in the room as I was being born, WTAK in Huntsville, Alabama was playing "Money" by Pink Floyd. Therefore, I listen to it every year on my birthday. I mean...seriously...The first thing I heard coming into the world besides the general people and noises in the room was a Pink Floyd song. And people wonder why I love classic rock so much!

And finally, how could I not post "Money" on Song of the Day at some point? Might as well put it on the day that I first heard it. Of course I love the lyrics, especially "share it fairly but don't take a slice of my pie." But what I really love about this song is the bridge, where amazing guitar parts are paralleled with a fantastic sax solo. I feel that this song is a stroke of genius by Waters with help from Gilmour. Some of the double track techniques they used in creating this song was very impressive as well.

Sadly, even though it is BIRTHDAY, I do have class at 8 am tomorrow...So I have to be up and moving in about 6 hours. I have noticed my typing abilities going down the drain. For example, "typing" in that last sentence was almost "typo." That's my brains way of saying, "GET SOME SLEEP YOU FOO'!"

So I shall...and P.S.


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